Client Profile
Primera Air is a leisure airline with head office in Iceland and bases in Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway. Primera Air employs over 400 people, transports annually over 1 million people around the globe and has a consolidated turnover of over 850 million EUR.
Business Need
Boost pilots and crew efficiency. Improve employee engagement. Provide necessary information to employees at any time and any place.
Achievements in Numbers

Solution Overview
- Intranet Portal - a hub of all information in the company
- Native iPad, iOS and Android apps to bring relevant information to crew and pilots during flight
- Documents access
- Single sign-on functionality – access systems without typing in users and passwords
- Process automation - technical and air safety reports (TSR, ASRs)
- Mobile roster native mobile iPhone/iPad app
- Internal social network based on Yammer
- Customer satisfaction surveys for Passengers.
- HR onboarding/offboarding process automation

- Single source of information access and decreased administration overhead
- Self-service management of content
- Management insights
- Less mistakes and improved process accuracy

Office 365, Yammer
Visual: Mobile App for crew

Visual: HR Onboarding/offboarding process

Visual: Flight Map

Visual: Satistaction surveys